Information for Parents

Information for Parents

What You Need to Supply

Depending on the age of your child, we ask that you supply the following things. It would be appreciated if you could send them in a labelled bag:

  • Nappies (6 for a full day, 3 for a half day - please send in daily)
  • Nappy cream (if required)
  • Formula/breast milk (if required)
  • A comforter (if required)
  • A change of clothes (several if potty training)
  • A pair of wellies and suitable outdoor clothing (Autumn and Winter)
  • Sun cream and a sun hat (Spring and Summer)

Please be aware that the children will often be involved in messy activities and their clothes may get dirty or damaged. Please remember this when dressing them. We do provide aprons but these are often not enough!

Provision of Meals

Menus are rotated on a three weekly basis and a copy of our menu is available in the Pit-stop. All of our food is prepared fresh on the premises and we aim to provide the children with their 5 portions of fruit and vegetables within a full day. The menu is reviewed annually by our nutritionist and the nursery cook. We work with parents to ensure that the dietary needs of all children are met and our allergens list is available in the Parent Pit-stop.

The children who attend Kidz@Lullabyz during the school holidays are offered a healthy lunch box alternative to a cooked dinner. This includes: sandwiches, a piece of fruit, raisins and a yoghurt.

Drop Offs and Pick Ups

Arrivals and departures between your booked times are at your discretion. The front door is kept secured at all times. Please ring the doorbell and you will be welcomed by a member of staff who will take your children directly to their room. Pre-school children enter through the pre-school double doors and babies, toddlers and tweenies enter through the main nursery front door.

Please inform us if someone different is collecting your child. The nominated person will be asked to give details of your chosen password. Nursery staff will not allow your child to leave with an unauthorised person until your permission has been obtained. All collectors must be over the age of 16 years.


Childcare Offer Funding

The Childcare Offer is available through the nursery for all children who are eligible, from the term after their 3rd birthday. You can apply via your local City Council website and claim up to 20 hours of childcare funding during term time and 30 hours during holiday times for a maximum of 48 weeks of the year. Food is paid for additionally at a maximum cost of £7.50 per day. You can apply for this through your local Family Information Service and applications are usually accepted six weeks before the start of a new term. For example, if your child turns 3 in October they would be eligible for funding from the following January and you can usually apply at the end of November.

Early Years Funding

Lullabyz is a non-maintained setting which means that we are an educational provider. Carers can claim up to 10 hours a week of educational funding (2 hours per day) during term time from the term after their child’s 3rd birthday. A child must attend a minimum of three sessions per week in order to be eligible. If you would like your child to access their educational hours with us, instead of a state nursery, we will ask you to provide a copy of their birth certificate and there will be a form for you to complete.

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